Interning abroad is one of the best decisions you can make for your personal and professional development. Traveling abroad with a purpose is a solid way to grow. Adding an internship abroad to your resume will help you stand out among other candidates without international experience. A person who successfully completes an international internship demonstrates adaptability, responsibility, cross cultural knowhow, and sometimes also foreign language skills.

Linguistic Horizons arranges customized internships abroad in a variety of fields and countries. Some of our programs are full service, including in-country support, housing, day trips, cultural activities and more. While other programs only include the internship placement, remote support and visa assistance. Read on to learn more.

Where can I intern abroad?
Currently, we offer internships abroad in the following destinations:

What kinds of internships are available?

We curate customized internships abroad for each applicant in all fields. We can arrange almost any type of internship with few exceptions. Since 2014, Linguistic Horizons has been growing relationships with a wide range of host organizations abroad. While we often repeat internship placements with the same companies, sometimes we have unique applicants who seek a new type of internship. When that happens, we seek out new host companies to facilitate the most optimal match between intern and company. You can find a partial list of internships we have arranged in the past here.

How do I apply for an internship abroad?
Start your online application here. Be sure to complete your application by the application deadline.