Blog Post

Meet Devyn

Devyn Morris
Devyn Morris, Intern in Peru

Meet Devyn Morris from Oakland, California! This Winter Break, Devyn will be joining our Internship in Peru program. We can’t wait to welcome her in the Sacred Valley of the Incas! Get to know her in this inteview!

Tell us more about you:

I’m a recent San Francisco State University graduate with a Bachelors in Communication Studies, who truly loves to travel and gain exposure to different cultures.

What do you hope to contribute to the Peruvian community?

I hope to contribute to the Peruvian community by utilizing my writing and production talents of taking the information I obtain; consolidating it into various creative media for the purposes of dissemination locally; all while bringing global recognition to the historical, beautifully restored architecture and agricultural landscapes Peru boasts.

What is your main motivation for participating in the program?

My main motivation for participating in the program is to learn and use the experience from interacting with the local Peruvian community by practicing my communication skills back at home in the Bay Area, California. Attending the study abroad trip to Peru will contribute to my incite on what entrepreneurial tactics thrive in less wealthy, small communities boasting rich culture; and how to apply them here at home.

Devyn Morris graduation
Devyn at graduation
What are some of the places/things on your bucket list?

I want to travel to Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Iceland, Greenland, Norway and the Turks and Caicos islands. I also want to volunteer in Alaska with the Inuit tribe and maybe go skydiving!

What are your future career goals?

I plan to continue human development and social services by pursuing a career in community or public relations with a focus on highlighting mental health awareness and reclamation of funds for mental healthcare programs in underserved or marginalized communities.

What motivated you to choose Peru? 

I was motivated to choose Peru because of its rich culture, the historical, beautifully restored architecture and agricultural landscapes.

Devyn Morris
Devyn Morris
What is your favorite quote? 

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment is graduating with Honors from college with my four Associates and Bachelor degree in Communication Studies as a single mother, despite the odds stacked against me.

Devyn has put together a FundMyTravel page to help her raise funds to support her trip to Peru. Take a look at her page and contribute if you can. Every little bit helps!

In addition to our programs in Peru, Linguistic Horizons offers a variety of authentic experiences abroad. Learn more about our study abroad and international internship programs!

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