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Meet Alex

Alex Halama
Alex Halama

We’re excited to introduce you to Alexander Halama! Originally from Hudson, Wisconsin, Alex is a Molecular Biology student at Colgate University. He will be joining us abroad this summer to learn about Nutrition and Natural Medicine in Peru! Get to know him better in this interview.

Tell us more about you: 

I am somebody who loves being in the mix of things. I feel most fulfilled when I am engaging with others through service; and, I often do this through community work. Some of my hobbies include snowboarding, lifting weights, spending time with my dog, or otherwise advancing my academic goals.

What is your main motivation for participating in the program:

I want to broaden my perspectives in terms of culture and healthcare. Primarily, my goal is to discern what kind of doctorate program to pursue post-grad.

What organizations are you involved in on campus: 

I am a volunteer firefighter, a board member of the Newman Catholic Community, and a Benton Scholar.

What are some of the places/things on your bucket list:

Machu Picchu girls
Linguistic Horizons students Visiting Machu Picchu

I’ve always wanted to see Machu Picchu! At some point, I would also love to make my way to visit family in Sydney, Australia and learn how to surf.

What are your future career goals: 

I aspire to make my way to medical school and finish either as an M.D. or D.O. (I’m hoping this program will help me decide which program to pursue).

What motivated you to choose Peru:

I’ve always wanted to visit Machu Picchu, and I’ve been told by my grandparents that if I can ever go, I need to. 

Linguistic Horizons students admiring Machu Picchu views

What is your proudest accomplishment:

Winning an individual title and setting a state squat record at USAPL State Meet 2024 (powerlifting).

What is your favorite quote:

“Happiness is only real when shared” – Chris McCandless

Alexander Halama

In addition to our programs in Peru, Linguistic Horizons offers a variety of authentic educational experiences in various countries. Learn more about our study abroad and international internship programs!

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